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This site is the property of  C.ZEN PROD company. In accordance with the data-processing law and freedom of January 6, 1978, please note that informations about you are required to forward you the details of your requests.

Information collected enables us to know you, they could be used to inform you on our offers and our new products. You have rights of access to your personal data, to correct or delete them, by sending an e-mail by filling the form. Please note that the confidentiality of e-mails is not guaranteed;  they are saved  on computer  time for our services to provide you an answer.

The main structure and all materials incorporated , as well as texts, images and sounds composing this site are protected by copyrights and the integral property of C.ZEN PROD company. Any representation regarding the use in part or in whole of this site or of one or more of these materials, by some process that it is, without express authorization of  C.ZEN PROD company is prohibited and may be considered as  a counterfeit sanctioned by the L.335-2 articles and following of the Code of the intellectual property rights. C.ZEN PROD is a trade name, protected and registered as a trademark. For more details, please contact the webmaster by filling the form.

Music : © Francis Rimbert / P. Pelamourgues for C.ZEN PROD

Publishing :  C.NOUS Editions - C.ZEN PROD

Photos Credits : C.ZEN PROD


Direction & Administration : Patrick Pelamourgues

Responsible for Communication : ML Leboucher

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©C.ZEN PROD 2009
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